4 Reasons to get Excited about the Better Bagel Study

Bagels with Resistant Starch Improve Metabolism
Bagels made with Resistant Starch Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Sarah Dainty just finished her Masters of Science thesis at the University of Guelph in Canada. It was called the Better Bagel Study, because they developed a bagel that contained 25 grams of resistant starch, using RS2 high amylose resistant corn starch. Participants at risk for developing type 2 diabetes consumed a bagel each day for 8 weeks and found significant reduction in postprandial serum insulin levels in response to a standardized oral glucose challenge and improved insulin sensitivity. The lower levels of insulin mean improved metabolism ! !

Most previous clinical studies have delivered the resistant starch in supplement form, which participants mixed it into their foods. This study baked it into a large bagel – 120 to 125 gram bagel, which according to Canadian regulations, was 3 servings of bread. They substituted the bagel for other flour-based food in their diet, but did not change other lifestyle habits such as exercise or caloric intake.

This is exciting for several reasons:

  1. Another major clinical finds improved insulin sensitivity from consuming resistant starch. That’s now 9 human clinical studies showing similar benefits! See this link to see for yourself.
  2. They ate real food, not a supplement sprinkled into food. Yeah! Now, if only more food companies would use resistant starch to make convenient health-promoting flour-based foods!
  3. The food was carbohydrate-rich and contained white flour. The participants had no trouble eating a bagel each day – compliance was more than 99%. This means you don’t have to completely remove white flour from your diet to get resistant starch’s insulin sensitivity benefits.
  4. The results were seen in a standard test commonly performed in doctors offices. That means that the results can be found without having to perform some esoteric, ultra expensive test in some research laboratory at a university somewhere.  Your doctor can see it working for you using routine tests.

25 grams of resistant starch a day is still a lot to eat. In terms of ingredient by itself, that’s about 4 tablespoons of unmodified resistant starch/day. You have to be pretty dedicated to get this quantity each and every day.  Putting it into the foods that we eat really makes a lot of sense.

Instead of eliminating flour-based foods, we would LOVE a better bagel, or a better muffin, or a better pasta instead. Maybe even a better cookie. I dream of improved metabolism in foods that we LOVE to eat!

Are you listening, food companies??

#resistant starch #metabolism #insulin
