Blood Sugar/Glycemic Clinical Studies

Resistant starch contributes to healthy blood sugar levels (glycemic health) in three important ways:

  • Reduced glycemic response – Purified resistant starch is non-glycemic – it does not break down to glucose in the small intestine.  However, ingredients are not available as purified resistant starch – they contain a mixture of glycemic starch and non-glycemic resistant starch. When resistant starch substitutes for flour or other high glycemic carbohydrates, the glycemic and insulin response of that food is reduced in direct proportion to the quantity of the substitution. In other words, higher levels of substitution result in greater reductions in glycemic and insulin response.
    • At least 23 clinical studies demonstrate this benefit.
    • The latest study utilized a white rice bred for increased resistant starch content, Mohan DTT 2016
  • Reduced glycemic response of the subsequent meal – When resistant starch is consumed, there is a reduced glycemic response of the next meal. This demonstrates that there is a metabolic benefit from resistant starch’s intestinal fermentation and it is not just a reduced glycemic response effect.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity – When resistant starch is consumed as a supplement or within a meal, the body’s muscles and tissues become more responsive to insulin’s effects – it is more efficient at moving glucose out of the bloodstream and into the muscles and tissues. Loss of insulin sensitivity is a major biomarker for the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The full list of clinical studies can be found on the List of RS Clinicals page.
